Monday 24 September 2012

visit to Nepal

In my summer holiday I visited Nepal. Nepal in located in Asia and is in between China and India. The purpose of my visit to nepal was to visit my fellow family and friends who lives there. While I was there I was inspired by their culture, religion and buildings. Most of all I was inspired by the patterns and sculptures which created the buildings. The patterns and the sculpture were carefully carved and had lots of detail which was very interesting to see.  It was the perfect opportunity for me to gather all these wonderful images of the patterns.  It is very intresting to see how these detailed patterns were created hundred of years ago when they didn't have any technology to help them with which shocks me. Most individuals my age thinks good things are newly built whereas the images of the buildings I took were created hundreds of years ago and are the most astonishing because they are more intricate and each individual pattern has a relevance or meaning.